The Aesthetic Guide

4 Under 45 & MVP Interview with Tara Sulyman, MD at VCS 2023.  Watch and read more here.

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The Aesthetic Guide

"Tara Sulyman, MD founder and CEO of That Face (Chicago, IL) says that the PDO threads used today are different from those that were used in earlier years. 'The lifts can lift tissue without adding volume, and provide...'"

Read the full article starting on page 38 here

the aesthetic guide magazine cover oct 2022

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Magazine cover of The Aesthetic Guide for November 2022

The Aesthetic Guide

"Tara Sulyman, MD founder and CEO of That Face (Chicago, IL) says that the PDO threads used today are different from those that were used in earlier years. 'The lifts can lift tissue without adding volume, and provide...'"

Read the full article starting on page 38 here

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Join us as Dr. Sulyman-Scott breaks down facial rejuvenation concepts, categorizing concerns and addressing skin quality, facial volume, and tissue position. Learn about CO2 lasers, microneedling, radiofrequency for skin improvement, buccal fat excisions, fillers, fat transfers for volume adjustments, and surgical options like facelifts. See a facial plastic surgeon for personalized advice!

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